Swimming pool

A swimming pool, a solarium, a bar and some sun. Our winning recipe for your poolside moments is very simple, but never fails to guarantee genuine fun. From coolness on the hottest days to carefree water games, this space will become a little oasis for the whole family during your summer in Romagna.



The aromas and flavours of Romagna await you every day at the table, from breakfast to dinner. But besides the acclaimed cuisine of our land, what could make your experience truly special? The answer here at the Silver is the location! In fact, our dishes will be served in the hotel's beautiful panoramic dining room, which will add that extra touch to your day with a hint of sunshine thanks to the picturesque view of the pool area. After all, your eyes want a feast too, don't they?



Entdecken Sie unser


  • Sonnenschirm und zwei Liegen pro Zimmer
  • Tagsüber von 10:30 bis 18:30 Uhr Erfrischungsgetränke-Büffet
  • Mini und Junior Club am Strand von Juni bis Anfang September
  • Wasser und Wein zu den Mahlzeiten
  • Willkommensdrink
  • Romagnolische Küche in Form eines Büffets
  • Pool
  • Fitnessraum – Fahrräder
  • Partys, Abendshows und Baby Dance für alle Kinder
  • Zwei Privatparkplätze, einer im Hotel und einer 100 Meter entfernt
  • WLAN.